How To Hide Chat From Iphones Without Appearing As Spyware

how to hide chat in whatsapp

how to hide chat in whatsapp? Is this a new internet problem or an old internet problem? We all use our mobiles very much like a computer but it does not mean that we can do what we want with it. It is a private area and we have to stick to our own social rules and not do anything that may get us into trouble with our friends or our work colleagues. We also have to be careful about the sites that we visit on the internet and if we want to continue using them.

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Why would I need to hide chat in Whatsapp? The answer is simple, you might want to avoid any awkward situation when you are having your chats with your friend in the real world. For example if you are chatting with your friend in Facebook and someone calls you and harassing you by repeatedly ruining your personal relations, then you may think to yourself "how to hide chat from whatsapp?" Hiding chat in whatsapp is the probably the first and last thing that you will do at the wrong moment while chatting. This may even lead to your account getting blocked or else you might end up wasting time and even end up losing your friend.


What is the easiest solution to this problem that most people faced? You could easily hide chat from whatsapp but you will not be able to see the person who is talking to you. But that will not be a big issue as there are a few different ways through which you can get the information about the other person without bothering about the view or private chat area of your mobile. There are so many free android chat clients available over google play and yes, you can hide chat from whatsapp too.

How to Hide Chat From iPhones Without Appearing as Spyware


However there is a small problem when you want to hide chat from your iphone. Yes there are the special iphone "Torch" apps that allow you to browse the web in a special way but you cannot see any images or videos through it. The same goes with the "Archive chat" app. It allows you to download past chats but if you try to open it or share any image or video then you will be asked to install it first.

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So how can you hide chat from iphone without these two apps? First off all you need to install a browser on your iphone which has the functionality of hiding text or html code from a certain location on your device. Iphone browsers have this feature but unfortunately not all phones support it. To know more regarding this kind of feature of your phone, you need to go to "Settings" and tap on" Browser Options". It is also very important that you have this setting enabled otherwise you won't be able to see any html or text from anywhere on your device. You can also enable the "Do Not Disturb" setting, which means that a lot of different functions like dialing a phone number will not work.

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The most effective way on how to hide chat from iphone without the two installed apps is to use a web browser for the purpose of chatting. Web browsers work the same way as iphone's web browsers, but they allow you to view other people's chat even when you're not on your iphone. This is also very useful, especially when you think that your partner is cheating on you because you'll always be able to see what they are doing on their phone. Web browsing on your android phone doesn't require installing any particular application but you must make sure that your browser is compatible with android phones before trying it out.


The final way on how to hide chat from iphone without the two installed Apps is to use a "private" messenger. Some examples of private messengers include: Y Yahoo Messenger, Facebook chat and MSN messenger. These types of services are usually free and you can find many different types of features and different ways on how you can connect to them. All you have to do is search for these types of services on the internet and you should be able to find one suitable for your android phone.


The two options outlined above are the most effective solutions on how to hide chat from iphone. However, if neither of them work, the only other option that you can use is to use an alternative method. There are many different options out there and most of them are more reliable than the methods used above.

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