How To Reset Thetp Link Router To The Computer

how to reset tp link router is an important question for a lot of users. When you reset the router, you will be able to restore it back to its original state. Many users do not know how to reset the router and they tend to get troubles from this. In order to avoid these troubles, all you need to do is know how to reset Tp link router. Here are the steps that you should follow in resetting it back. is definitely useful to know, many guides online will discharge duty you about, however i suggest you checking this . I used this a couple of months ago taking into account i was searching upon google for


Firstly, turn off the power. After you have turned off the power, you need to remove the power from your router. Now, you should disconnect the power cable from its terminal from the wall outlet. Now, you should disconnect the battery from the router as well. You need to remove these things in order to reset the router.


Secondly, you need to pull out the reset button. You should do it by pressing and holding the reset button for some seconds. Then, you should push the reset button for some more seconds. If you find difficulty in pushing the reset button, you should consult the manufacturer's documentation.

How To Reset TheTP Link Router To The Computer


Thirdly, you need to remove the power plug from its terminal and plug the lead again to the wall outlet. You should leave the power plug in its original position. Furthermore, if you find difficulty in inserting the new cable, you can use the provided cable stripper. After you have done these things, you should insert the new cable into the reset port of the Tn printer. Then, you need to push the reset button for some more seconds.


Fourthly, you should plug in the new Tn printer port with the help of the screw driver. Also, you should follow the same procedure as you did earlier. In this case, you need to push the reset button for some more seconds. The driver of the Tn printer will guide you for the proper setting of the printer port. After that, you should turn the power on. You should also keep your router at least twenty-five to thirty-five degrees angle.


Fifthly, you need to turn off the power at the printer. Then, you should disconnect the printer port from the Tn printer with the help of the wire stripper or cable stripper. Then, you need to flip the switch of the router. Then, you should push the reset button for some more seconds. You should repeat the steps when you want to switch on the power at the back of the router.


Sixthly, you need to plug in the reset port into the Tn printer. Then, you should turn on the power at the back of the router. In this case, you can find that the Tn printer will recognize the reset button from the beginning. After that, you can run a diagnostics test from the diagnostic console of the router.


By following the instructions above, you will know how to reset the Tn printer port. Then, you should disconnect the ribbon cable from the printer to the back of the router. Then, you should push the reset button for some more seconds. Then, you should run a diagnostics test from the diagnostic console of the router.


If the troubleshooting procedure has been successfully completed, you should wait until the power comes back. Then, you can remove the ribbon cable from the back of the router. If the problem is connected with the reset port, you should open the port. If the problem is connected with the wireless card, you should open the wireless card.


For some routers, you should power up both the modem and the printer separately. Then, you should plug the printer into the port of the computer, and then you should follow the instructions given by the manufacturer of the printer. The reset feature in the modem might not work if there is an incompatible driver in your computer. So, you should remove the old drivers. In case, you have just installed new drivers, you should update the drivers.


If everything has been completed, you should reconnect the power source. Then, you should turn on the modem, and you should receive a CS signal. After you turn on the router, you should make sure that there is no static in the Link Status LED. Therefore, you should reset the TPSlink device using the steps mentioned above.

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